Saturday, August 31, 2013

Human Geo Blog 8.31.13

JC Five Point Action Plan
  1.      Take advantage of free time to study for all upcoming test and quizzes. Studying will help one remember important notes. The more one studies, the more answers they will know on test or quiz day which will only improve your grade.

  2.      Do all school work and make up all assignments so there are no zeros. Zeroes kills your grade. Even a zero on a homework grade might be a .001 difference between a D (passing grade) and a F (failing grade).

 3.      Pay attention and gather all important notes. Not everything the teacher says will be on a test or quiz but most of it is. Missing any details or notes will only decrease one’s grade.

 4.      Get involved in sports, clubs and any other extra-curriculars. These things will not only help one’s college chances but believe it or not can help give one friends and life lessons. Friends are always a great tool to use and life lessons can be applied inside and outside of school to help somebody.

 5.       Have a great relationship with friends, classmates, teachers, and other adults. Nobody is perfect and someone will always have the answer when someone else does not. Great relationships with these people will help one get answers that they do not which will only help that particular person.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

JC First Day Experience

Dan Zheng
August 26th, 2013
First Day of School Experience

My first day of school was alright. To start, I walked through the doors of John Carroll almost late for Advisory hoping I could make some new friends and fit in at my first days of private school. My first hour with groups did not go so well. I was placed in a group where I did not know anyone and I ended up making no new friends. After the first hour, my day got a lot better. I talked to a couple kids who seemed nice and after seeing my only two current friends that I knew before John Carroll, I was able to raise my confidence level. Also, throughout the day, I felt like all of my teachers were wonderful and that they were all willing to help everyone not only in school, but in life.  In the end, I barely made any friends but I felt like I could make a colossal amount of friends in the long run. I learned that the best way to make new friends and to fit in is to just be yourself.