Monday, November 25, 2013

Today, two girls came in to talk about the Senior Variety Show. I can't go Tuesday and still undecided on Wednesday. Then Mr. Schick talked about retaking the test which failed most people. The people who retake it can only be the ones who fail. It can only help not hurt test but it someone past, you can only get a 70. Its a one time offer according to Mr. Schick. After that, we worked on an all class microfinance PowerPoint where everyone works together. At points it looked like a success and at other points it was a terrible idea. My computer would not work so I couldn't do anything. Although it didn't work, I looked over many slides. Micro finance is basically helping third world countries or poor people start buisenesses. When I thought if this I think of KIVA because people loan money to them and if the buisness is booming they all get payed back ( well they all get payed back no matter what). There are also micro loans which are ways to get these buisnesses going by lending them money like KIVA. Lasty, their are many problems in these third world countries such as malaria drought and dirty water.

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