Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the Swoosh

Today in class, we went over Mr. Schick's expectations for all blogs so I will make sure this blog is at least 150 words and an interesting name. After this, we watched a video called Behind the Swoosh where a man named Jim Keady talks about why Nike is bad. The main reason in his opinion after research why Nike is bad is because it violates Catholic teachings and he is Catholic and that it punishes factory workers. One day, he got signed as coach for St. Johns, one of the best soccer colleges at the time. However, the college uses Nike and forces all athletes and coaches to wear Nike. Jim was than fired for not wearing Nike since he believed it was bad. After all of that, he and a girl named Leslie Kretzu traveled to Indonesia to live the daily life of and Indonesian. In Indonesia they experienced wages of 1.25 a day, horrible living conditions and being painfully hungry and tired. They learned in there experience that children do not go to school and have to take care of themselves while parents are working. These children play in an area where burned Nike stuff releases toxins which lead to cancer for these children. Also, the parents face a life and death situation everyday with them worried about life everyday. After this experience, they traveled to Oregon to meet with the CEO of Nike Phil Knight. He was offered to go to Nike but refused. The last thing the duo did was bring Indonesians to America and show athletes what they go through because of Nike.

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