Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Human Geo Post 9.3.13

               Today in Human Geography, we reviewed most of the definitions the students were supposed to complete over the weekend. Mr. Schick covered all the definitions except the Socratic Method and “idiot.” He did not just cover them but gave us a clearer and descriptive visualization of what happened with each definition. Some examples include how the polis was not just a city state but the one thing that one must protect by battle without retiring. Also about the famous Greek philosopher Socrates and how he died. He said the Socratic Method killed him and that he was locked up in jail with numerous chances to escape but sacrificed death for his belief of being a philosopher and that the Socratic Method works. He died by drinking poison with his friends watching him disgusted. He was then thought as a hero by his thoughts rather than him battling. We also covered how the Greeks play a huge role in our lives today. For example, in 508 B.C., the regular people overthrew the dictator and thus making the democracy. The Romans modeled the democracy after the Greeks and the American modeled the democracy after both. ✌

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