Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Human Geo Blog 9.4.13

         Today in class, Mr. Schick mainly went over everything about Socrates. He gave us a great visualization about the time he was in jury to the after death of Socrates. He said that in jury, he was highly likely to be innocent but was found guilty for many reasons. One being that he called Athens a stupid horse. Another for not using and creating a new way of doing things in Athens. Finally just for being sassy and cocky. When he was in jail, there were even more chances of escaping this whole situation. There was even a situation where he was basically able just to walk out the door and then be free but he went against all chances of escaping. He did this not only because it was the right thing to do since he was found guilty but because he believed in his method and that it was better. On the day of his death, with everyone with him looking saddened and disgusted, he was more positive about drinking poison. This was all discussed while looking at a very smexy looking picture of a 60 year old man where he is shirtless (yum) and pointing upward while holding a cup of poison with his friends all down. The main thing we can all learned from this is that "the unexamined life is not worth living". Socrates always looked at the big picture which made him a hero. If one does not examine life, they might as well be compared to a dog.✌

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