Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Human Geo Blog 9-11-13

Today in class, we continued talking about globalization. We started where we left off last class at the National Geographic site. During our discussion, Mr. Schick really wanted us to make sure we understand interconnections. He talked about how interconnections makes all the countries in this world a whole. One can not work without the other. For example, if the United States decides to become its own by making its own products and blocking the borders, it would crumple because it needs other countries for help. That is why other countries make products and ship it to us. The world however, is always in crisis because there are always wars such as Israel hating Iran and wanting to go to battle with them but of course the US protects Iran. There is more arguing and yelling in the world then discussing and working things out. On going to National Geographics, we revisit the idea of how China will soon become the #1 English speaking country because of globalization since China picked up English from us and they have a katrillion much higher population than us. Finally, we look at shipping containers which are used throughout the world because of interconnections and globalization.



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