Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Five Main Religions

Today in Human Geo, we went over the five main religions with our presentations. Well, actually it was more like two and a half. I don't remember most of the things we covered so Im gonna say what I remember or think is true.
  • Most Hindus live in India
  • Hindus believe in karma
  • Hindus have many Gods from a scale of importance
  • Hindus believe in reincarnation based on how good you lived life
  • Buddhist believe in Buddha also known as Siddartha Gautma
  • Buddhist are fine with followers practicing other religions
  • Jews believe in the first five books of the Old Testament and no other books
  • Jews holy site is Jerusalem
  • Jews don't have a lot of followers
That's all I remember and I know that most of this information is not going to be on the test

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quizzy Results

Today in human geo, we went over the answers on the quiz and started religion presentations with Hinduism being first . The quiz we took was suppose to raise our grades if we were on the border of the next grade above. Here is some information that one can learn from this quiz. Ethnic heritage, language and religion are the three examples of characteristics of culture. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil not Spanish or Brazilian. Canada has English and French s its two official languages. English not American (since its not a language) is the language of business, finance and commerce. Switzerland has very little conflict between its ethnic groups like the US. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and Albanians used to be one country called Yugoslavia. Judaism has the smallest amount of members out of the five main religions (mainly due to Hitler). Christianity is the largest. Most Indians believe in Hinduism beliefs. Christianity is number one in the Middle East. Islam has two sects called Sunnis and Shiites. Jerusalem is the holy site of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Christians fought each other in Northern Ireland in 1970. EU stands for European Union. UN stands for United Nation. OPEC stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NAFTA stands for North America Free Trade Agreement (I think).

Monday, October 28, 2013

Islamic Fun Facts

Today in Human Geo, we made a presentation on one of the five major religions. My group got Islam. Here are some fun facts
  • 1.57 billion followers in the world
  • 25% of the world follows Islam
  • Second largest religion
  • Fastest growing religion
  • It originated from the Middle East around 600 A.D.
  • Belief in judgment day
  • Belief in Predestination
  • Muhammad was last messenger
  • Allah is one and only God
  • The Qur'an is the holy book
  • Call their priest the Imam

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Surprise! We had a Quiz!

Today in Human Geo, we took a quiz. The quiz for most people was unexpected but it was on Mr. Schick's blog. The quiz was suppose to help people raise their grades up before the quarter (or decrease it) .Before the quiz, we went over some things that were going to be on the quiz. We did this for like 20 munutes. Then we took the quiz. The quiz wasn't hard but it wasn't that easy unless you studied which I didn't. It had everything that was on the PowerPoint. The questions that caused most people problems were what religion fits with this country or what is highest. Also another one was which acronym does what.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The US is NOT the greatest country in the world

Today in Human Geography, we watched a video. It was about a man who was on this show and college students come up and ask questions. The second question asked was why is America the greatest country in the world. Two people not including the man supported the question. The other says he disagrees and stated his reasons with a whole lot of statistics and some f bombs. After that, the class had a huge discussion on the video and if America was the best country in the world. Some things the class said was America was not the greatest but no country is better than America meaning no country is the best in the world. This is cause every country has their advantages and their flaws. For example, America has many job opportunities but is struggling with government and economy. In my opinion, America is not the greatest country in the world but Canada is. The reason being is it has flaws yes just like every other country but it has many of the same advantages that the US has. The difference is the economy is a lot better and they are chiller than America. They don't want to get in other countries business they just worry about themselves. Also Bieber and Drake lived there.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cultural Characteristics Part 2

Today in Human Geo, we resumed Cultural Characteristics. we started with religion

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cultural CHaracteristics

Today in Human Geography, we looked over cultural characteristics. The three main examples of cultural characteristics are religion, language and ethnic heritage. In the real world, ethnic heritage is an example by having a country like Japan have one ethnic heritage which is Japan. On the other hand, the United States has ethnicities of all sorts. Everywhere one looks there is a white, black, Hispanic Asian you name it. Language in the real world has a country like Canada speak English and French. Mostly all of Canada speaks English except Quebec which speaks French. There was even a point where Quebec wanted to separate themselves from Canada since they were mostly French speaking. The United States once again are really diverse in language despite broadcasting being mainly English. Our class only covered the main religions for religions. They are Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism Islam and Hinduism.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

AP Human Geo Test

Today in class, Mr. Schick was absent but that's alright. A sub gave us a AP Human Geo Test. There was 75 questions and we had like 40 minutes to complete them. I only got 48 questions answered. The test was extremely hard to pass. About a third of the questions have somewhat been reviewed in class. Everything else is probably something well see in the future. The test was definitely worth taking since well see it again. Next time Ill be sure to pass it since Ill be ready for it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Test Results and Start of Cultural Characterisitcs

Today in Human Geography, we went over the test and started cultural characteristics. Section 1 which is my section once again topped the averages cuz were number 1. Mr. Schick went over each question one by one and explained it. He also made part or the class do Math in a Human Geo class. There was also a big discussion on number 22 where the correct answer was A but a lot of people chose B. The question was which population pyramid most needs people to help out on the work force. B had very little 20s to 40s and rarely any elderlies. A had a decent amount of 20s to 40s and a decent but less amount of elderlies. Some say A was correct because they need more people to take care of elderlies since they need a lot of help. Some say B was correct due to the fact that there was very little 20s to 40s and needed more people to carry out daily jobs. Sadly A wins and I chose B. Moving on the only details learned about cultural characteristics today were that they were part of a group's daily life, ideas and themes which group will teach to all members and characteristics can also link or divide a region. Also examples include religion, language and ethnic heritage.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Test Day

Today in Human Geography, we took a test on Population Pyramids. The test overall was very easy if  you were paying attention in class or took notes. There was stuff on definitions, what RNI and NFR stand for, the rate of real world examples using Math, and what population pyramid represent certain countries/ situations.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More Pop Pyramids

Today in class, we resumed our talk about population pyramids. We also got our quizzes back and my section go the highest average which was 86%. The problem with that is the previous class got the same average but did not use notes like our class did. On to population pyramids, we mainly talked about a lot of differnet examples of population pyramids and used it to see what it tells you about that place. In a town in Michigan, there was a lot of people from 20-29 but less children and less adults. This is because that is a college town home of the Michigan Wolverines and students are from ages 19-29 and since they are not allowed to have children anywhere below 18 is low. Also Florida has a lot of people form 55+ but not a lot below 55. because that is where a lot of people want to retire and not deal with teens

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Test Day and Pop pyramids

Today in Human geography, we took our test on God Grew Tired of Us. The test was really easy especially if you paid attention to the movie. After the test, we began something new. We talked about population pyramids. Population pyramids are used to analyze growth/decline of fertility, mortality and migration in cities. There are three types of population pyramids. They are Christmas Tree, Box and Cup. Christmas Tree shaped like a Christmas tree is when a countries growth rate are slow, the birth rate is fast and the life expectancy is low. Examples are Chad and Zimbabwe. The box which is shaped like a box is when there is low infant mortality, slow population growth, and a long life expectancy. Examples are United States and Canada. The cup which is shaped like a cup is when there is low birth rates, a shrinking population and a long life expectancy. Examples are Italy and Japan.

Monday, October 7, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Part 4

Today in HUman Geo, we resumed God Grew Tired of Us and finished the documentary. We resumed when they fast forwarded one year where everyone has their jobs and is living the American life. John is enrolled in community college, Panther is working at a hotel and Daniel is finding ways to afford college. We also know that John's family have been found and that his mom and sister are still alive but they are naked and ill. The rest of the family has been killed from the war. Later on, we learn that the Africans are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. We learn this when the guys were unhappy celebrating 4th of July as fireworks to them look like their family getting bombed in war. As more time passes by, John is enrolled into the University of Syracuse and is part of the Lost Boys organization. Panther has graduates from Pitt University and is going to build a school in his hometown and marry his girlfriend. Daniel is going to build a hospital in his hometown. We also learn that Daniel is the only person who's parents have not been discovered which likely tells us that his family has been killed in the war.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Part 2

Today in class, we resumed God Grew Tired of Us. We start with John and Daniel go to Pittsburgh PA while Panther goes to Syracuse New York, home of the Syracuse Orange. They are all part of this program where the US pays for them for 3 months but after 3 months they have to get a job and live the way they are suppose to live and repay there debt for the plane travel. When they first arrive, a man introduced them to the refrigerator, toilet, lamp, shower, electricity uses, and kitchen uses. When they are out in public, they do awkward things (in Americans heads). When the Sudanians were sitting down one on one, they explained that they did that to hold on to African culture. The Africans may be living in America and have to act American to blend in but they grew up in Africa and to them that's home and they don't want to let it go.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in human geography, we watched a documentary called God Grew Tired of Us. So far, we have reached to where the Africans have started talking about moving to America. In the movie, a civil war between North and South Sudan breaks out in 1983 due to the fact that the South are mostly Christians and Animist while the rest were Muslim. The three main characters in the film were Panther Bior, John Bul Dau and Daniel Abul Pach. John and Daniel were both separated from their parents due to the war.  This war resulted in 2 million deaths. Those who weren't Muslim and were captured had to either die/suffer or get a hole punched in their sack so they couldn't produce. In the start of the war, Panther John and Daniel traveled to Kenya for the U.N. Refugee Camp which included 86000 other people (mostly men). They ended up having to walk to Ethiopia which took 5 years. During the walk, 27000 people in the walk shrunk to 12000 at the end. People had lack of food, water and shelter plus they had to survive lion and coyote attacks. For those who survive, they were given education but after that they were only hoping for a better future. Later on Panther, John and Daniel ends up deciding to go to the US in Pittsburgh and Syracuse for hope of a better future. That is where our class left off. 

CIA Factbook Facts

Today in class, we reviewed the answers to the CIA Factbook. The main questions that were discussed had to do with population, exports, oil, military, GDP, AIDS, Catholicism, and migration. What I learned from this is that we have a massively increasing amount of people in the world with 700 billion now. Later on when I'm an adult, we might have 10 billion. We revisited how China makes everything but learned that surprisingly Mexico is third in airports because of its job opportunity.  We learned that Saudi Arabia makes money from exporting oil but US is number 1 in importing oil. This explains how much the US uses oil with cars and lawn mowers and plastic. We learned how GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. Qatar a tiny rich place is number 1 while the US is not even in the top 10 with it lazily buying things from other countries instead of making things. We learned how Africans are high up in AIDS because it constantly wants to make children unprotectedly but the US is 18th. That is sad since we talk about unprotected sex all the time and you can simply buy a condom at Walgreens if you want to have sex. We talked about how the US only has 23.9% of people Roman Catholic but Mexico is 82.7%. That's over 4/5 people. Finally, we learned that Libya is number 1 in migration not the US