Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quizzy Results

Today in human geo, we went over the answers on the quiz and started religion presentations with Hinduism being first . The quiz we took was suppose to raise our grades if we were on the border of the next grade above. Here is some information that one can learn from this quiz. Ethnic heritage, language and religion are the three examples of characteristics of culture. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil not Spanish or Brazilian. Canada has English and French s its two official languages. English not American (since its not a language) is the language of business, finance and commerce. Switzerland has very little conflict between its ethnic groups like the US. Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and Albanians used to be one country called Yugoslavia. Judaism has the smallest amount of members out of the five main religions (mainly due to Hitler). Christianity is the largest. Most Indians believe in Hinduism beliefs. Christianity is number one in the Middle East. Islam has two sects called Sunnis and Shiites. Jerusalem is the holy site of Jews, Christians and Muslims. Christians fought each other in Northern Ireland in 1970. EU stands for European Union. UN stands for United Nation. OPEC stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NAFTA stands for North America Free Trade Agreement (I think).

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