Tuesday, October 1, 2013

CIA Factbook Facts

Today in class, we reviewed the answers to the CIA Factbook. The main questions that were discussed had to do with population, exports, oil, military, GDP, AIDS, Catholicism, and migration. What I learned from this is that we have a massively increasing amount of people in the world with 700 billion now. Later on when I'm an adult, we might have 10 billion. We revisited how China makes everything but learned that surprisingly Mexico is third in airports because of its job opportunity.  We learned that Saudi Arabia makes money from exporting oil but US is number 1 in importing oil. This explains how much the US uses oil with cars and lawn mowers and plastic. We learned how GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year. Qatar a tiny rich place is number 1 while the US is not even in the top 10 with it lazily buying things from other countries instead of making things. We learned how Africans are high up in AIDS because it constantly wants to make children unprotectedly but the US is 18th. That is sad since we talk about unprotected sex all the time and you can simply buy a condom at Walgreens if you want to have sex. We talked about how the US only has 23.9% of people Roman Catholic but Mexico is 82.7%. That's over 4/5 people. Finally, we learned that Libya is number 1 in migration not the US

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