Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The US is NOT the greatest country in the world

Today in Human Geography, we watched a video. It was about a man who was on this show and college students come up and ask questions. The second question asked was why is America the greatest country in the world. Two people not including the man supported the question. The other says he disagrees and stated his reasons with a whole lot of statistics and some f bombs. After that, the class had a huge discussion on the video and if America was the best country in the world. Some things the class said was America was not the greatest but no country is better than America meaning no country is the best in the world. This is cause every country has their advantages and their flaws. For example, America has many job opportunities but is struggling with government and economy. In my opinion, America is not the greatest country in the world but Canada is. The reason being is it has flaws yes just like every other country but it has many of the same advantages that the US has. The difference is the economy is a lot better and they are chiller than America. They don't want to get in other countries business they just worry about themselves. Also Bieber and Drake lived there.

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