Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today in human geography, we watched a documentary called God Grew Tired of Us. So far, we have reached to where the Africans have started talking about moving to America. In the movie, a civil war between North and South Sudan breaks out in 1983 due to the fact that the South are mostly Christians and Animist while the rest were Muslim. The three main characters in the film were Panther Bior, John Bul Dau and Daniel Abul Pach. John and Daniel were both separated from their parents due to the war.  This war resulted in 2 million deaths. Those who weren't Muslim and were captured had to either die/suffer or get a hole punched in their sack so they couldn't produce. In the start of the war, Panther John and Daniel traveled to Kenya for the U.N. Refugee Camp which included 86000 other people (mostly men). They ended up having to walk to Ethiopia which took 5 years. During the walk, 27000 people in the walk shrunk to 12000 at the end. People had lack of food, water and shelter plus they had to survive lion and coyote attacks. For those who survive, they were given education but after that they were only hoping for a better future. Later on Panther, John and Daniel ends up deciding to go to the US in Pittsburgh and Syracuse for hope of a better future. That is where our class left off. 

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