Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More Pop Pyramids

Today in class, we resumed our talk about population pyramids. We also got our quizzes back and my section go the highest average which was 86%. The problem with that is the previous class got the same average but did not use notes like our class did. On to population pyramids, we mainly talked about a lot of differnet examples of population pyramids and used it to see what it tells you about that place. In a town in Michigan, there was a lot of people from 20-29 but less children and less adults. This is because that is a college town home of the Michigan Wolverines and students are from ages 19-29 and since they are not allowed to have children anywhere below 18 is low. Also Florida has a lot of people form 55+ but not a lot below 55. because that is where a lot of people want to retire and not deal with teens

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