Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Test Results and Start of Cultural Characterisitcs

Today in Human Geography, we went over the test and started cultural characteristics. Section 1 which is my section once again topped the averages cuz were number 1. Mr. Schick went over each question one by one and explained it. He also made part or the class do Math in a Human Geo class. There was also a big discussion on number 22 where the correct answer was A but a lot of people chose B. The question was which population pyramid most needs people to help out on the work force. B had very little 20s to 40s and rarely any elderlies. A had a decent amount of 20s to 40s and a decent but less amount of elderlies. Some say A was correct because they need more people to take care of elderlies since they need a lot of help. Some say B was correct due to the fact that there was very little 20s to 40s and needed more people to carry out daily jobs. Sadly A wins and I chose B. Moving on the only details learned about cultural characteristics today were that they were part of a group's daily life, ideas and themes which group will teach to all members and characteristics can also link or divide a region. Also examples include religion, language and ethnic heritage.

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