Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Guns, Germs and Steel Review

Today in Human Geo, Schikman returned to class after one day of absence. Before class, Mr. Schick told us that instead of taking the test tomorrow, we will take it Wednesday due to all the no school and delay days. In class, we went over the video we watched yesterday which was Guns, Germs and Steel. The movie is about a man named Jared Diamond. Jared, a cultural anthropologist bird watcher out of UCLA goes to New Guinea to research stuff. At New Guinea, he notices how the people there live. They live liked people did 2000 years ago. For food, they would cut Sago trees and take the inside, mix it with water and process it for their food. However, it was low in protein so it did not reach their daily requirements. Out of all this we think about the idea of whites are better and more intelligent than blacks because of the way they live but really they are equally as intelligent as blacks, they just live differently. We also learn about the theory geographic luck.

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