Saturday, January 18, 2014

Last Day

Today in Human Geo, we took our last test of the semester for Human Geo and it was the last day. After that class, to be honest while everyone who is moving on to Mr. Tether will miss Mr. Schick because he was such an awesome teacher and made Social Studies fun. I felt that mixed in with disappointment. I didn't study for the test for Human Geo because I didn't think I needed to. I thought I knew all the information I needed to know. After seeing the questions, I knew that I made a huge mistake. In the end, I was hoping for luck. While everyone was getting As and Bs, I got a 70 barely a D. This grade brought my 93 to an 88 for the quarter. It also brought my semester grade from a 90 to a 88 or 87. I was really hoping to take Honors social studies next year but that test screwed up my quarter grade, semester grade and the class I wanted to  take next year. I'm very dissapointed but learned a lesson with this. It was a great semester with a great teacher. I learned many things and had fun with this. Too bad this semester ended with such a bad note.😪

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