Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Urban Geogrpaphy Part 2

Today in human geo, we resumed our urban geography unit. All the notes taken in class are posted after this. 

Many ancient cities were theocratic centers where rulers were deemed to have divine authority and were god-kings

Between 300 and 900 CE, Altun Ha. Belize served as a thriving trade and distribution center for the Caribbean merchant canoe traffic.

The Greek Cities by 500 BCE, Greeks were highly urbanized.
-Network of more than 500 cities and towns
- On the mainland and on islands
-Each city had an acropolis and an agora

The Roman Cities- a system of cities and small towns, linked together with hundreds of miles of roads and sea routes
- Sites of Roman Cities were typically for trade
- A roman city's Forum combined the acropolis and agora into one space
-Roman cities had extreme wealth and extreme poverty

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