Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today in Human Geography, we went over the test questions and a review of Guns, Germs, and Steel. 2 million species of animals. 148 has the potential to be domesticated but only 14 have been domesticated that were used to get civilization. They are goats sheep pigs cow horses donkeys Bactrian camels Arabian camels water buffalo llamas reindeer yaks mithins bai caylea. None of the love in New Guinea. Australia Africa or North America. One lives in South America which is the llama. The rest live in Asia Europe and Northern Africa. A theory from Jared Diamond is that New Guinea is geographically unlucky, they have no crops or domestic arable animals making it hard for them to develop. Middle East had the best 4 cows pigs sheep and goat and 2 of the best crops. Jobs of Jared Diamond are Bord watcher cultural anthropologist professor of ucla best selling author. Upcoming are test answers. Hunting and gathering and lived in nomadic groups are what people did 13000 years ago. Papa New Guinea is the only place that lives like the Stone Age. Middle East had the best stuff for civilization to get jump started. Drah is the oldest village in Meaopotamia. Climate changes why propel didn't stay in Mesopotamia. Location is most important factor for civilization to do well. Long lasting and nutritious are characters of good crops.

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