Monday, January 13, 2014

Guns, Germs and Steel

Today in Human Geo, we watched a video called Guns, Germs and Steel. In the video, we have a man named Janet Diamond. He explores and discovers how guns, germs and steel shaped the history of our world. The video starts with Janet watching birds and he tells us about his passion for birds and that he started watching birds at 7 years in the US. Then comes along a man named Yowling. He asked the question "Why do you whites have so much and why do we Indians have so little." This question brought up other questions such as how do these worlds end up so different and why different place progress and develop so much faster than other places. Although the question seemed so simple, the question took a lot of research to answer. In order to answer this question, Janet had to go back in history to do some research. He went back in time where every nation was the same as the other. People had to gather their needs and hunt using a bow and arrow. For food, they would chop sag trees and take out the inside and do something with it. Then we go to the time where there was an ice age. Archaeologist wondered how did people back then in the Middle East survive these times of the Ice Age. It took them 4 years of digging for them to come to a conclusion. They came up with farming. Farming emerged in many places where civilizations had become developed. Then we go to New Guinea where the crops lacked protein. In fact, since there was so little protein they had to eat giant spiders. Then came the question could farming play a role in this or is there another division. Since there was no protein in cropping, they would use animals for milk which contains protein. They also used other animals. Goats and sheep were first farm animals then follow the same farm animals we have today. Pigs would be use for protein. Horse would be use for muscle power. Sheep for wool. Goat and cows for milk These are just 5. Farmers and workers would also try to catch large heavy strong animals like the elephant. They could never catch him in Africa but more likely in Asia. They also tried to catch zebras since there like horses but they were unable to catch them. All over the world we come to 14 types of farm animals but 13 of them come from Adia Borth Africa and Europe. 1 comes from South America. Moving on from farm animals we learn that fire was essential for making steel, a technology that would change the world. We also learn that over exploiting the environment and unable to farm land would result in no grass few trees and they have to move on. That's where we stopped

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