Monday, January 6, 2014

Urban Geography 😜

Today in human geography, we started our last unit Urban Geography. I took all the notes in my notebook which is copied in my blog ahead.

City-conglomeration of people and buildings clustered  together  to serve as a center of politics cultures and economics

Urban - the buildup of the central city and the suburban realm - the city and the surrounding environs connected to the city.

In the last few years, the first time in human history over half of the population live in an urban city

China is trying to become an economic power with a lot of factories and as a result, it is filthy.

In 25 years Shenzhen changed from a fishing village with duck ponds and rice patties to a major metro politician.

Before urbanization, people often clustered in agricultural villages - a relatively small, egalitarian village, where most of the population was involved in agriculture. About 10000 years ago, people began living in agricultural villages.

Two components enable the formation of cities
1. an agricultural surplus
2. social stratification

Five Hearths of Urbanization
Mesopotamia - 3500 BCE
Nile River Valley - 3200 BCE
Indus River Valley - 2200 BCE
Huang He and Wei River Valleys - 1500 BCE
Mesoamerica - 200 BCE

In each of these bearths an agricultural surplus and social stratification created the condition necessary for cities to form and be maintained

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were two of the first cities of the Indus River Valley.
-intricately planned
-houses equal in size
-no palaces
-no monuments

The chinese purposefully planned their cities.
-centered on a vertical structure
-inner wall built around center
-temples and palaces for the leadership class

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